Safe Health Practices
Our Shared Commitment
Keeping Solterra Way Cottage School Safe and Healthy
As a school community, we recognize a shared commitment among staff and families to keep each other safe and healthy at Solterra Way Cottage School. All participants in this school community agree to follow the practices below.
Solterra Way Cottage School will follow the guidance from NC DHHS regarding student participation at school. Reference Guide for Suspected, Presumptive, or Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 (K-12)
Possible exposure
If a student is exposed to COVID-19 and needs to remain out of school for a period of time, we will offer video contact and assignments as appropriate until the child can safely return.
Other students (tutoring and small group support) would need to follow NC DHHS guidelines about safe return to our services.
At arrival each day:
Face coverings for all people who are not vaccinated.
Contact-free temperature check
Hand washing
Bring their own water bottles and snacks
Eat and drink at a distance from other students and staff
Wash hands before and after eating
Bring a spare mask in case they need to change.
Students and staff will wash hands:
At arrival or beginning of student interaction
After using the toilet
Following sneezing, using a tissue or drinking according to school procedures
Staff will remind students to avoid unnecessary physical contact or closeness, wash hands as needed and cover their mouths and noses with masks. Students will share some materials. We will not be able to guarantee students remain 6 feet apart.
Safe Practices and Sharing Information
As staff, administrators, parents and students, we agree that we and our household members will:
follow safe practices, including receiving the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination when it is approved and safe for us to do so.
inform others of our own vaccination status and that of our children.
inform the school community immediately if a student, staff member or a member of their household/immediate circle has a known exposure or develops any symptoms of Covid-19 or other communicable illness.
In order to ensure that all members of the school community may make informed decisions, we agree to share and allow the school to inform other parents of the details of a possible exposure.
A Note on Masking
CDC guidelines currently state that masking is optional in most settings for those who are fully vaccinated. However, in groups where some members are not yet able to be vaccinated, our practice is for all members of the group to wear masks indoors. As guidance changes, we will revisit this topic and involve parents before we change our practices.